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Posted by on mrt 3, 2013 in Design, Muziek | 0 comments

Rillingen: The Raven That Refused To Sing (Steven Wilson)

Rillingen: The Raven That Refused To Sing (Steven Wilson)

Wat een geweldig mooi nummer is dit en wat een fantastische video zit erbij: The Raven That Refused To Sing van Steven Wilson. Over de tekst zegt hij:

It’s about an old man at the end of his life who is waiting to die. He thinks back to a time in his childhood when he was incredibly close to his older sister. She was everything to him, and he was everything to her. Unfortunately, she died when they were both very young. This is not autobiographical; it’s fiction in that respect. But the guy is now at the end of his life, and he’s never been able to form any other kind of relationships. He’s spent his entire life alone, unable to relate to any other human beings.

A raven begins to visit this man’s garden, and the raven begins to represent a symbol or a manifestation of his sister. The thing is, his sister would sing to him whenever he was afraid or insecure, and it was a calming influence on him. In his ignorance, he decides that if he can get the raven to sing to him, it will be the final proof that this is, in fact, his sister who has come back to take him with her to the next life.

Als je de clip bekijkt (doen!), vergeet dan niet te switchen naar fullscreen, want hij is echt geweldig mooi gemaakt. 

Steven Wilson – The Raven that Refused to Sing (from Steven Wilson – The Raven that Refused to Sing (and other stories)) from Kscope on Vimeo.



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