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Posted by on dec 24, 2012 in Muziek, Technologie | 0 comments

Print digitale muziek naar vinyl

Wat een leuk experiment is dit: het printen van een LP, waarbij de muziek van oorsprong digitaal is. Maakster Amanda Ghassaei:

I’ve created a technique for converting digital audio files into 3D printable 33rpm records and printed some functional prototypes over the weekend. These records play on regular turntables, with regular needles, at regular speeds, just like any vinyl record. The audio on the records is very low resolution (as you can hear), it has a sampling rate of 11kHz (a quarter of typical mp3 audio) and 5-6bit resolution (mp3 audio is 16 bit). Find my Processing code, record downloads, and more information on Instructables.

bron: Boing Boing



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