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Posted by on jan 27, 2020 in Muziek | 0 comments

Drum legend Sean Reinert passed away

Drum legend Sean Reinert passed away

Yesterday I learned about the unexpected passing of drum legend Sean Reinert (48). Strangely enough, I just now realize that he is only two years older than myself. Given my admiration for his great drumming, with which he independently brought progressive metal drumming (and with that the entire genre) to a never surpassed level, it always felt like he was much older.

His work on ‘Human’ (1991) by Death is still a pillar for death metal drumming, but on the debut of his own band Cynic, ‘Focus’ (1993), the real fusion of metal and jazz rock came about. The loose jazz feel that Reinert managed to incorporate in his metalgrooves is unique and well thought out. And it was also wonderful to see him play, so smooth and easy, but without sacrificing power and precision.

I saw them perform twice and met him at the time. At the first time in Atak, Enschede (December 9, 1993), where I ended up in the backstage area, he was pleasantly surprised by another metalhead who was also crazy about Zappa, Steve Morse, Allan Holdsworth and the Mahavishnu Orchestra. “He’s into jazz!” Reinert shouted to his fellow band members. They even considered playing a Mahavishnu medley. But what an experience it was to see and hear those guys playing there.

I still cherish the sheet music notation he wrote for me there on the spot from their song ‘Celestial Voyage’ and exercises by Gary Chester and David Garibaldi.

R.I.P., Sean.

Afbeelding: Wikimedia

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