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Posted by on jan 2, 2016 in Muziek, Radio | 1 comment

“Back of the Mike” (1938) toont het maken van hoorspelgeluidseffecten

“Back of the Mike” (1938) toont het maken van hoorspelgeluidseffecten

We hebben er vast allemaal wel zo’n beetje een beeld bij hoe destijds geluidseffecten gemaakt werden. Dat maakt het bekijken van de korte film Back of the Mike er echter niet minder leuk om.

A boy lies on his bed (wearing a white shirt and a necktie), listening to a radio western. We see the images the radio creates in his mind, then we cut to the studio, where we see that this whole fantasy world is created at a frantic pace by announcers in three-piece suits and sound-effects technicians operating incredibly complicated jury-rigged devices. We get to see such things as one guy doing both voices in a conversation, an adult do a very convincing impersonation of a child’s voice, guys playing cowboys impersonating the sound of conversing while riding by playing “horsie” while reading their lines, and all the weird stuff used to make sound effects.

bron: Laughing Squid

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