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Posted by on aug 20, 2015 in Bibliotheek, Internet, Mediawijsheid, Privacy, Technologie | 6 comments

IFLA doet aanbevelingen over privacy in de bibliotheek

IFLA doet aanbevelingen over privacy in de bibliotheek

Zo, dit is goed! De International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) heeft een verklaring opgesteld die gaat over het bewaken van privacy van bibliotheekgebruikers:

This new Statement on Privacy in the Library Environment is intended to give guidance to libraries and information services in an environment that includes mass surveillance by governments and routine user data collection by commercial interests that provide content or services through the Internet. Risks to library users’ privacy might arise through their use of search or social media applications on the Web or their use of library platforms and content that collect data on end users.

De volledige verklaring lees je hier (PDF): IFLA Statement on Privacy in the Library Environment.


  • Library and information services should respect and advance privacy both at the level of practices and as a principle.
  • Library and information services should support national, regional and international level advocacy efforts (e.g. by human rights and digital rights organisations) to protect individuals’ privacy and their digital rights and encourage library professionals to reflect on these issues.
  • Library and information services should reject electronic surveillance and any type of illegitimate monitoring or collection of users’ personal data or information behaviour that would compromise their privacy and affect their rights to seek, receive and impart information. They should take measures to limit collection of personal information about their users and the services that they use.
  • While government access to users ́ data and data surveillance cannot be completely avoided, library and information services should ensure that intrusion in users’ information or communications by government is based on legitimate principles for such practices and necessary and proportionate to legitimate aims (e.g. described in “International Principles on the Application of Human Rights to Communications Surveillance”).
  • When library and information services provide access to resources, services or technology that may compromise users’ privacy, libraries should encourage users to be aware of the implications and provide guidance in data protection and privacy protection.
  • Library and information services should support their users’ ability to make informed choices, take legitimate actions and weigh risks and benefits in their communications and use of services on the Internet.
  • Data protection and privacy protection should be included as a part of the media and information literacy training for library and information service users. This should include training on tools to use to protect their privacy.
  • The education of library and information professionals should include data and privacy protection principles and practices in a networked environment.

Afbeelding: Nodeswitch via Compfight cc


  1. RT @jtdeboer: Zijn jullie ook geconsulteerd @bitsoffreedom? IFLA doet aanbevelingen over privacy in de bibliotheek | Rafelranden http://t.c…

  2. RT @jtdeboer: IFLA doet aanbevelingen over privacy in de bibliotheek: Zo, dit is goed! De International Federation of Library……

  3. RT @jtdeboer: Zijn jullie ook geconsulteerd @bitsoffreedom? IFLA doet aanbevelingen over privacy in de bibliotheek | Rafelranden http://t.c…

  4. RT @jtdeboer: IFLA doet aanbevelingen over privacy in de bibliotheek: Zo, dit is goed! De International Federation of Library……

  5. RT @jtdeboer: Zijn jullie ook geconsulteerd @bitsoffreedom? IFLA doet aanbevelingen over privacy in de bibliotheek | Rafelranden http://t.c…

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