Prachtig: The Man Who Turned Paper Into Pixels
Claude Shannon? Tot mijn spijt had ik nog nooit van hem gehoord, totdat ik zojuist deze mooie video bekeek. Als auteur van A Mathematical Theory of Communication (1948) legde hij de basis van de informatietheorie. Wat dat betekende wordt in de video prachtig duidelijk gemaakt.
“It was the change that no-one saw coming: the idea that we could take a book, a painting or a song and send it through cables and wires and even thin air to the other end of the world – and it would be identical on the other side. But this idea underpins everything about the Information Age we live in.
How did we make such a mind bending transition into the digital world? And how does it work? It turns out it’s all based on a concept that is surprisingly beautiful in its simplicity. This short video essay explores what that idea is and tells you about the man who figured it all out.
Computers are everywhere and control almost every aspect of our lives. In the next 6 minutes you’ll find out how they really work.”
bron: Vimeo Staff Picks