Mozillarian: Mozilla meets bibliotheek
Ik vind het echt mooi om te zien hoe Jenny Rose Halperin haar energie steekt in het samenbrengen van Mozilla en de bibliotheek. Op het blog Mozillarian is hier heel veel over te lezen. In het manifest aldaar staat beschreven wat het concept inhoudt:
The Mozillarian…
- explores the intersection between the Mozilla community and the library world
- is a Librarian by heart, but not necessarily by training
- is a Mozillian by heart, but not necessarily by training
- is a Webmaker
- creates knowledge in networks, for communities
- sees each moment and every context as a potential opportunity for co-creation, building and learning.
- remixes things.
- believes that sharing is the gateway to knowledge
Prachtig initiatief!
bron: tweet van Alastair Dunning