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Posted by on feb 5, 2014 in Internet, Technologie, TV, Web | 0 comments

Breaking Bad in glitchy BitTorrentstijl

Breaking Bad in glitchy BitTorrentstijl

De slotaflevering van Breaking Bad werd binnen twaalf uur door een half miljoen mensen met elkaar gedeeld via BitTorrent. In deze deels gedownloade versie is prachtig te zien wat de manier is waarop dit netwerk functioneert en tot zo’n glitchy resultaat kan leiden:

The video captures this episode of the popular TV show in the act of being shared by these users on bittorrent. The video simultaneously acts as a visualisation of bittorrent traffic and the practice of filesharing as well as being an aesthetically beautiful and unique by-product of the bittorrent process, the file codec and the size of the bittorrent swarm as the pieces of the original file are rearranged and reconfigured into a new transitory in-between state.

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