Prachtige platenzaak van LEGO
Gisteren blogde ik over m’n muzikale wereldbeeld en noemde daarin de geweldige, maar inmiddels ter ziele gegane Groningse muziekzaak De Platenworm. Ik kon aan niets anders denken toen ik zojuist op onderstaande afbeelding stuitte. Ryan Howerter maakte een muziekzaak van LEGO en weet het daarbij horende gevoel feilloos te pakken. Van het blog The Brothers Brick:
This scene, by Ryan Howerter (AKA eldeeem) perfectly captures the look and feel of music stores all over the country and perhaps all over the world. The use of 2×2 printed tiles as LP jackets is spot-on and the eclectic nature of album art is such that just about any tile would make a good jacket. I also love the speaker up in the corner, as it really anchors the shot. I also like the use of 1×1 tiles as CDs. I have to say I’m impressed. It is not often that a builder completely captures the essence of scene like this. Ryan did so well, I feel like I’ve bought music there. In fact, I think I recognize some of those customers.
Daaraan hoef ik verder niets toe te voegen, spijker op z’n kop!
bron: Dangerous Minds