Klik door genres op deze muzikale landkaart
Altijd al willen weten hoe cow punk, pagan black metal of piedmont blues klinkt? Dan helpt Every Noise At Once je uit de brand:
This is an algorithmically-generated non-analytical map of the musical genre-space. Genres and artists are positioned by code and data, adjusted for legibility, but the underlying vectors are less interesting than the juxtapositions and clusters that they produce, so the axes have been deliberately left unlabeled and uncalibrated. You are invited to imagine your own qualities and magnitudes that the geometry might be expressing.
Ontwikkelaar Glenn McDonald maakt gebruik van het systeem van The Echo Nest om genres met artiesten en geluidsbestanden te combineren, maar verrijkt dat ook:
We also keep adding genres, the most recent of which are qawwali, steampunk, warm drone, japanese psychedelic, microhouse,bounce, indian pop and electro swing. If you are thinking of inventing a new style of music, please check and see if there are already 241 bands from Slovenia and Malawi fighting over its protocols and implications.
bron: Boing Boing