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Posted by on apr 11, 2013 in Design | 0 comments

Ultieme kantoorsofa QWERTY

Ultieme kantoorsofa QWERTY

Alsof je op je werk ook niet eens tijd zou willen hebben eens met de beentjes omhoog te gaan! Moe, gewoon zin om te relaxen of nuttig met wat prettige vakliteratuur? Op deze geweldige QWERTY lijkt me dat zeer aangenaam toeven!

Arms folded and cheek pressed on the keys. Sooner or later, at home or at work, we all end up by falling asleep on our computer’s keyboard. Turning the archetypal image of a keyboard, into a sofa bed, QWERTY is proposed to hold you on its soft “keys” on evenings while working in the office or at home on a rainy afternoons spentwatching the home video, bringing a pinch of irony in our daily life. Anyway QWERTY is much more than a sofa bed. Thanks to micro electric motors controlled by a remote control, every single key/cushion is adjustable in height to give total freedom to the full available surface. In this way, the furniture becomes a playful carpet, a comfortable support but an unconventional surface, to let the users to be able to design new configurations useful for everyday life, and to be happy to finally sleep on their keyboard.

[nggallery id=25]

bron: Neatorama

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