Duet voor blaadjes en draaitafel
Diego Stocco doet ongelooflijke dingen met geluid en vegetatie. Kijk en luister bijvoorbeeld maar eens naar zijn projecen Music from a Tree en Music From Nature. Zijn A Duet for Leaves & Turntable kwam als volgt tot stand:
Recently I bought a turntable to use it for an experiment, but that didn’t turn out as I was expecting.
Then, I noticed the equally spaced ridges on the plate and got an idea for something else.
For about an hour I recorded short musical phrases by rubbing leaves against the turntable (the type of leaf, angle, pressure and fold determined the sound), then I combined the different takes together. Every element comes from those recordings, including the bass, kick and snare sounds (shaped with EQ, compression and resonators).
bron: This Is Colossal