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Posted by on apr 8, 2013 in Muziek, Technologie | 0 comments

Duet voor blaadjes en draaitafel

Duet voor blaadjes en draaitafel

Diego Stocco doet ongelooflijke dingen met geluid en vegetatie. Kijk en luister bijvoorbeeld maar eens naar zijn projecen Music from a Tree en Music From Nature. Zijn A Duet for Leaves & Turntable kwam als volgt tot stand:

Recently I bought a turntable to use it for an experiment, but that didn’t turn out as I was expecting.
Then, I noticed the equally spaced ridges on the plate and got an idea for something else.
For about an hour I recorded short musical phrases by rubbing leaves against the turntable (the type of leaf, angle, pressure and fold determined the sound), then I combined the different takes together. Every element comes from those recordings, including the bass, kick and snare sounds (shaped with EQ, compression and resonators).

bron: This Is Colossal

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