Menselijk orgel: zien en luisteren is geloven
Wauw, dit is wel heel erg te gek. Lees gerust de volledige uitleg van de werking van Pendulum Choir hier, maar kijk en luister in ieder geval.
The Pendulum Choir, by Cod.Act’s Andre and Michel Decosterd, is basically an organ that plays with human pipes. It’s what might happen when homo sapien musicians are plugged into the Matrix, and that merging of man and machine is entirely the point.
“Up to now, we always used sensors to detect movements and use the result to produce and/or control the sound. […] The idea behind pendulum choir was to find a direct physical relationship between sound and movement, where the bodies of the singers replace the sensors. We also wanted that the parameters of speed, acceleration, and movement influence in a natural and physical way the characteristics of the voice of the singers.”
bron: fastcodesign