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Posted by on jan 17, 2013 in Muziek, Social Media | 0 comments

Themasong Fresh Prince ge-Google Translate

Verrassende Youtube muziekexperimenten zijn aan Collective Cadenza wel besteed. In dit geval wordt Google Translate er bij gehaald om tot een nieuwe uitvoering van de themasong van Fresh Prince of Bel-Air te komen. Waarom? Dat weten ze zelf ook niet, maar da’s natuurlijk volkomen onbelangrijk als het resultaat er mag wezen!

Technically speaking, all but the first verse were translated. The lyrics were translated from English to the world’s most spoken language (Mandarin), to the second most (Spanish), to the third most, to the fourth most, ETC, putting all 64 languages in order by finding the demographic population size on every language on Wikipedia.

Fun facts:
The last translation we put it through was “Esperanto”, because apparently, only 10,000 people speak it.
No one has an official language of “Latin”, but we had to assume a lot of people are still able to speak it. So that was a bit ambiguous.
Proper Nouns never really changed. Neither did numbers, as you can tell in the last stanza, “7,8”.
We have no idea why we did this.

bron: Nerdcore

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