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Posted by on jan 12, 2013 in Bibliotheek, Design | 0 comments

Is dit de toekomst van fysieke bibliotheken?

Is dit de toekomst van fysieke bibliotheken?

Schitterend, deze James B. Hunt Jr. Library van North Carolina State University. En om te reageren op de vraag die gesteld wordt in het onderstaande commentaar. Lees mijn artikel op 1825 Dagen, BiblioLab: van transactie naar transformatie, en je weet het antwoord: Ja! Dit is de kant die fysieke bibliotheken (moeten) opgaan.

After all, a super high-tech library with robot librarians and an open floor plan that allows food and talking is cool, but it doesn’t give us the same kind of thirst for learning that stacks of leathery brown books and dusty arches do. […] These “developments signal a change in expectations. Rather than quiet places of study, surrounded by rows and rows of books, the library of the future houses books in closed stacks and tends to be a place where ideas are conceived and shared, becoming much more like a laboratory, where inspiration arrives as much from discussion as words written on paper.” Which could be great or terrible, depending on your learning style. What do you think, dear readers?

bron: Flavorwire



Students use the Hunt Library. Photo by Marc Hall



Students use the Hunt Library. Photo by Marc Hall

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