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Posted by on jan 11, 2013 in Muziek | 0 comments

Frank Zappa: New York & Elsewhere (documentaire)

Altijd leuk, een docu over Zappa tegenkomen die ik nog niet eerder zag!

Frank Zappa: New York & Elsewhere is an Austrian produced TV documentary directed in 1980 by Rudolph Dolezal and Hannes Rossacher, aka DoRo productions, who are best known for their work with Freddie Mercury and Queen.

Frank Zappa: New York & Elsewhere consists of interviews with Zappa intercut with performances at New York’s Mudd Club and at Upper Darby’s Tower Theater, in Pennsylvania, from May 1980.

The picture quality is poor but the sound is okay, and is not covered with German voice-over. Tracks include:

You Are What You Is
Mudd Club
Chunga’s Revenge
Beauty Knows No Pain
Bobby Brown
I Don’t Wanna Get Drafted
Joe’s Garage
Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?

bron: Dangerous Minds

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