Vijftig apps voor bibliothecarissen
Eén van de sessies tijdens Internet Librarian ging over mobiele apps die interessant zijn voor bibliothecarissen. Ik zelf bezocht de sessie niet, want koos ervoor om bij die over makerspaces te zitten, maar bij deze de presentatie van Richard Le en Tom Duffy die ik miste.
The proliferation of mobile apps for smartphones has changed the ways we search for and access information. With a surge in the number of mobile customers, librari- ans can harness the full potential of these apps to provide innovative, value-added reference services, deliver content, and enhance library programming. In this fun and highly interactive presentation, speakers discuss 50 great apps for Android and Apple devices to help you stay organized, be productive, juggle multiple tasks, and quickly find the information you want. Learn how and where to find the best apps to use at work, at home, or even on the road.