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Posted by on mei 5, 2012 in Boeken, Design, Innovatie, Open Source, Technologie | 0 comments

Augmented poëzie: Between Page and Screen

Een boek dat je slechts met behulp van een webcam kan lezen, dat is Between Page and Screen, een uitgave van Amaranth Borsuk en Brad Bouse:

Between Page and Screen explores the place of books as objects in an era of increasingly screen-based reading. The pages of this artist’s book contain no text—only abstract geometric patterns and a web address leading to this site, where the book may be read using any browser and a webcam. The poems that appear, a series of letters written by two lovers struggling to map the boundaries of their relationship, do not exist on either page or screen, but in the augmented space between them opened up by the reader. […]

Between Page and Screen chronicles a love affair between two characters, P and S. The book has no words, only inscrutable black and white geometric patterns that, when coupled with a webcam, conjure the written word. Reflected on screen, the reader sees him or herself with open book in hand, language springing alive and shape-shifting with each turn of the page.

The story unfolds through a playful and cryptic exchange of letters between P and S as they struggle to define their relationship. Rich with innuendo, anagrams, etymological and sonic affinities between words, Between Page and Screen revels in language and the act of reading.”

Op de website kan je een testpagina downloaden en uitprinten om te ervaren hoe het werkt. Dat deed ik vanochtend dus maar even. De ontwikkelde code wordt op termijn vrijgegeven.

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