Bibliotheek, maar dan anders
Kasten gevuld met blikjes as, in dit geval afkomstig van gecremeerde patiënten van het Oregon State Hospital, tevens de filmlocatie van One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Fotograaf Davis Maisel maakte een serie, getiteld Library of Dust, van delen van het ziekenhuis die momenteel verlaten zijn. Maisel:
On my first visit to the hospital, I am escorted to a decaying outbuilding, where a dusty room lined with simple pine shelves is lined three-deep with thousands of copper canisters. Prisoners from the local penitentiary are brought in to clean the adjacent hallway, crematorium, and autopsy room. A young male prisoner in a blue uniform, with his feet planted firmly outside the doorway, leans his upper body into the room, scans the cremated remains, and whispers in a low tone, ‘The library of dust.’ The title and thematic structure of the project result from this encounter.”
bron: Flavorwire
David Maisel, Asylum 16, Oregon State Hospital, Salem, OR
David Maisel, Asylum 3, Tubs, Ward 7, abandoned portion of J Building
David Maisel, Asylum 4, Lounge/Meeting Room, Ward 66, abandoned portion of J Building
David Maisel, Asylum 15, Gurney, Crematorium