BookPrep print de lange staart op verzoek
BookPrep is een print on demand-dienst van HP die scans van moeilijk leverbare of niet meer gepubliceerde uitgaves beschikbaar maakt voor lezers. Daartoe is technologie ontwikkeld die de kwaliteit van het materiaal verbetert. Vervolgens wordt het in verschillende formaten opgeslagen en beschikbaar gesteld aan printdienstverleners (bijvoorbeeld Amazon). De content van BookPrep is onder meer afkomstig van het Internet Archive en de Universal Digital Library. Uit de white-paper:
The goal of making every book ever published available to anyone at anytime in a form that is convenient poses several challenges. We have built a system that demonstrates an end to end solution that takes raw book scans and make them available for online viewing as well as on demand printing. We have been able to resolve conflicting requirements for online and print media formatting. In the future it is possible to retarget the processed books for ebook readers. We have successfully deployed the system and are actively working with a publisher and a few libraries. Several of the books processed by our system are offered for sale thru various channels. As a result of building this system we have certainly uncovered several challenges. These challenges provide an opportunity to innovate and collaborate.”
Interessant project!
bron: tweet van Open Library