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Posted by on jun 17, 2011 in Internet | 0 comments

Slokje chocoladebier en een hapje chocoladewebsite

Als liefhebber van de wat zure en frisse bieren lijkt chocobier me het niet helemaal, maar de wijze waarop de Portugese brouwer Sagres zijn nieuwe product introduceert is wel geweldig.

The agency’s creative team believed that if Sagres made a chocolate beer, the perfect way to launch it was also to create a website made of chocolate.

This said, the first step was to find and hire the best Maître Chocolatier in Portugal. Mr. Victor Nunes, artistic director of Óbidos International Chocolate Festival, started sculpting the website live at this year’s venue. Later on, his artisan sculptor team finished it at their chocolate factory. The artists sculpted the entire website in chocolate pieces, moulding it according to the design provided by the agency.

Afterwards, at the agency’s studio, the chocolate frame and all the website components were shot in the different positions and stages.

These images became the raw materials for the website.

To invite consumers to try the new product, Sagres offered a piece of the chocolate website and a 6Pack of Sagres Preta Chocolate. Every day, during a specific hour, users can ask for a bite of the website.”

De gerealiseerde site is hier te vinden.

bron: Neatorama

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