Brieven aan kinderen over bibliotheken
Jeugdbibliothecaris Marguerite Hart startte zo’n veertig jaar geleden een project dat vandaag de dag niet zou misstaan.
In March 1970, Marguerite Hart became the first children’s librarian at the Troy Library. She was hired to plan children’s activities and to develop a children’s collection for the booming youth population in the City. […] In early 1971, Hart wrote to dozens of actors, authors, artists, musicians, playwrights, librarians, and politicians of the day. She asked them to write a letter to the children of Troy about the importance of libraries, and their memories of reading and of books. Hart received 97 letters addressed to Troy’s young people from individuals who spanned the arts, sciences, and politics across the 50 states, Canada, the United Kingdom, India, the Mariana Islands, and American Samoa.
Onderstaand een brief van Isaac Asimov, evenals alle overige brieven hier te vinden. De bibliotheek van Troy verkeert momenteel in zwaar weer.
bron: Our History: Letters to the Children of Troy, May 1971