Lady Gaga bibliothecaris van de popcultuur
In een column die ze schreef voor V Magazine noemt Lady Gaga zichzelf een bibliothecaris en dan specifiek op het terrein van de popcultuur.
Glam culture is ultimately rooted in obsession and those of us who are truly devoted and loyal to the lifestyle of glamour are masters of its history. Or, to put it more elegantly, we are librarians. […] An expertise in the vocabulary of fashion, art and pop culture requires a tremendous amount of studying. My studio apartment on the [Lower East Side], quite similar to many of my hotel suites now – knock on wood – was covered in inspiration. Everything from vintage books and magazine I found at the Strand on 12th Street to my dad’s old Bowie posters to metal records from my best friend Lady Starlight to Aunt Merle’s hand-me-down emerald-green designer pumps were sprawled all over the floor about two feet from my bathroom and four inches from my George Foreman Grill. I’ve done my homework. Have you? Where are your library cards?”
bron: deze tweet die verwijst naar Rolling Stone.