Remix de auteursrechtpolitie
Copyright Cops is an open source movie about copyright, teenagers & internet. De makers ervan stellen het ruwe videomateriaal dan ook beschikbaar om het, geheel in de deel- en remixgedachte, door iedereen die dat wil onder handen te laten nemen. In de woorden van de Braziliaanse maker Julio Cecchin:
This is a short film about teenagers who are growing up in an environment with tons of information per second, being treated as criminals as they download a couple of songs from the internet, while trying to chat with their friends. The main goal here is make a reflection on subjects like freedom of information, online relationships and how all of this blends inside the head of a teenager, no matter where he lives.
Therefore, our conceptual statement always had among its goals the wish to make our entire project an open source platform. We’ve made this for the internet and for the people starting in the creative / audiovisual area looking for something to be remixed. We hope you enjoy it.
Being the adventures of a young man whose main interests are illegal downloads, violence and chatting with the girl he just met in the Internet.”
Ik word altijd erg blij van dit soort initiatieven. Ze laten zien dat creativiteit en samenwerking de beste manier is om stelling te nemen tegen de niets dan zwartgalligheid uitstralende entertainmentindustrie. Hulde daarom voor de positieve insteek van Cecchin en de zijnen.
Copyright Cops from Julio Secchin on Vimeo.