Hongerende kunstenaars en hun New Yorkse onderkomens
New York Magazine publiceerde afgelopen week een reeks artikelen over onroerend goed in de stad. In The Perpetual Garret wordt een aantal foto’s van de onderkomens van bepalende New Yorkse kunstenaars getoond. De ondertitel Where the starving artists slept zegt genoeg. Een mooi inkijkje!

Cage and Merce Cunningham shared a loft at 101 West 18th Street. By 1982, Cage had filled the space with 203 plants.

Rauschenberg in his Fulton Street loft. He had built a bathtub by lining a fish crate with tar but could only use it in the summer because he had no hot water.

Burroughs nicknamed his room in this partially converted YMCA at 222 Broadway “the Bunker.” He lived in the former locker room; twenty years earlier, Mark Rothko worked on his murals for the Four Seasons in the abandoned gym.