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Posted by on dec 10, 2010 in Internet, Muziek, Social Media | 0 comments

Pogo doet het nu met een kleine prinses

Pogo (Nick Bertke) maakte in dit geval gebruik van beeld en geluid van de film A Little Princess en ik neem wederom m’n pet af voor zoveel creatieve monnikenarbeid.

Whisperlude is my remix of A Little Princess, comprising harp sections, sound effects and vocal syllables recorded from the film. There are well over 100 different sounds in total, and it was quite a challenge when sequencing and mastering to keep it all sounding neat and coherent.

In editing the video for Whisperlude, I wanted to bring into fruition emotional experiences I’ve had over the past year by juxtaposing shots of sadness and happiness. The result is a video that isn’t as cheerful as most of my works, but one that I’m able to connect to on an emotional level very well.

Whisperlude marks the first of my videos to feature any kind of visual effects, and don’t be surprised if it’s the last. While the fruits of my labour are satisfying, it’s difficult for me to justify them delaying the release of a track this much. The rotoscoping and tracking involved had me go without sleep for several days, as if levelling each shot isn’t tedious enough with each video I produce. Nevertheless, I’m very happy with the results, and I don’t think such a rapid succession of shots could have worked any other way.

As always, picking a name took some time. I eventually narrowed my choices down to Whisperlude and Saratone (Sara being the main character of the film). I just happened to be speaking with YouTube wunderkind HomeStarRunnerTron before posting the video, who was kind enough to ask his family for a second opinion. With their help, I uploaded this track immediately with a title I think suits it well! My heart goes out to Skye and his family for always being such beautiful people.

Many thanks to everybody who has watched the video and downloaded the track. I hope you enjoy it.

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