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Posted by on jul 30, 2010 in Bibliotheek, Social Media | 0 comments

Gratis soep voor Andy Warhol

Gratis soep voor Andy Warhol

Omdat hij voor zijn werk Campbell’s Soup Cans (1962) blikken van het merk op het canvas vastlegde besloot de productmanager van het bedrijf Andy Warhol een aantal dozen cadeau te doen:

When Warhol first exhibited these thirty–two canvases in 1962, each one simultaneously hung from the wall like a painting and rested on a shelf like groceries in a store. The number of canvases corresponds to the varieties of soup then sold by the Campbell Soup Company. Warhol assigned a different flavor to each painting, referring to a product list supplied by Campbell’s. There is no evidence that Warhol envisioned the canvases in a particular sequence. Here, they are arranged in rows that reflect the chronological order in which they were introduced, beginning with “Tomato” in the upper left, which debuted in 1897.

Bron: MoMA

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