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Posted by on mei 3, 2010 in Bibliotheek, Blogs, Innovatie, Internet, Privacy, Social Media | 0 comments

Choose Privacy Week Video

Choose Privacy Week Video

De American Library Association heeft als aftrap van haar Privacy Week onder andere onderstaande video over het onderwerp online gezet. Daarnaast zijn er bijvoorbeeld pamfletten te downloaden die uitleg geven over privacy in verhouding tot het internet.

Welcome to Choose Privacy Week, May 2-8, 2010! We are thrilled to unveil a short film that introduces some of today’s most interesting and complex privacy issues. To view the film and to share or embed it on your own site, click here. We hope libraries and others will share the video online and host events to discuss the issues it raises. In addition to “man on the street” interviews, the film features individuals like Neil Gaiman, Cory Doctorow, Geoffrey Stone, and ALA President Camila Alire discussing privacy.

Waarvan akte.

[vodpod id=Video.3539451&w=425&h=350&fv=]

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