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School Library Makerspaces in Action
Libraries Unlimited
School Library Makerspaces in Action is for any librarian looking for inspiration for their own makerspaces, hackerspaces, fablabs, or DIY locations and how to use these spaces in libraries and educational settings. Contributions from authors around the world address the needs of most all readers, including how to provide the staff training necessary for a successful makerspace. Each chapter is written from an author’s personal experience, and with only a little fine-tuning and imagination, many of these ideas can be used throughout all levels, disciplines, and subjects in K–12 education and carry over into higher education. The successes and optimism shared in this collection will inspire librarians and educators to think positively about how to implement maker learning locations, train staff, and use makerspaces in their libraries and classrooms to promote and share new ideas.
The Complete Guide to Library Makerspaces
Rowman & Littlefield
Library Makerspaces: The Complete Guide is a comprehensive road map for libraries of any size, with any budget, seeking to redesign or repurpose space or to develop creative, hands-on maker-style programming. It features guidance on:
- Holding stakeholder discovery sessions for community-driven space and program development
- Evaluating existing library spaces for the most cost-effective and user-friendly facilities design and programming
- Asset mapping for developing community partnerships
- Best practices from different types of library makerspaces in the United States and internationally
- Sample budgets, inventories, and space plans
- Risk management considerations
- Programming recommendations and resources for a range of patrons from youth to seniors and business to hobby groups
- Funding and in-kind support
This book will help librarians develop and implement makerspaces, write grant proposals to fund such spaces, and help frontline staff and administrators learn about the technologies and processes involved.
The business case of FryskLab, Europe’s first mobile library FabLab
Library Hi Tech/Emerald Insight
The purpose of this paper is to describe the emergence of the mobile library FabLab FryskLab, a project of Bibliotheekservice Fryslân. There will be special attention on how the business case has been established.
The author examines the broader development of (mobile) FabLabs in libraries. Based on the description of sub-projects that together make the project FryskLab the approach of Bibliotheekservice Fryslân is described.
The design of a mobile library lab speaks to many people’s imagination. However, achieving a sound business case requires a lot more than just driving around in a bus and providing practical workshops. Developing supporting projects is necessary.
At this time most publications on mobile library maker spaces are held in the realm of popular publications (blogs, magazines.). Very little has been written on a wider range of case studies where mobile library maker spaces have been integrated into library services. This paper serves as an insight on how Bibliotheekservice Fryslân developed the FryskLab project.
Makerspaces in Libraries
Rowman & Littlefield
Makerspaces, sometimes also referred to as hackerspaces, hackspaces, and fablabs are creative, DIY spaces where people can gather to create, invent, and learn. In libraries they often have 3D printers, software, electronics, craft and hardware supplies and tools, and more. Makerspaces are becoming increasingly popular in both public and academic libraries as a new way to engage patrons and add value to traditional library services. Discover how you can create a makerspace within your own library though this step-by-step guidebook. From planning your innovation center to hosting hack-a-thons, guest lectures, and social events in your new lab, Makerspaces in Libraries provides detailed guidance and best practices for creating an enduring, community driven space for all to enjoy and from which both staff and patrons will benefit.
Fontes Artis Musicae
Muziekdingen is een online leerprogramma voor digitale ontwikkelingen op muziekgebied. Elk Ding bestaat uit een korte inleiding, uitleg en een opdracht. Het doel is dat medewerkers die werken met muziekcollecties hun kennis van de digitale ontwikkelingen op muziekgebied vergroten en actief deelnemen aan deze muziektoepassingen. Medewerkers die meer beleidsmatig werken krijgen handvatten om de muziekcollectie beter uit te baten voor het werkgebied van de Openbare Bibliotheek.
Bibliotheken en makersplaatsen
Handboek Informatiewetenschap/Vakmedianet
Voor het Handboek Informatiewetenschap schreef ik een hoofdstuk over bibliotheken en makersplaatsen.
FryskLab, het eerste mobiele FabLab van de bibliotheek
Makerspaces veroveren Nederland, bibliotheek als makersplaats
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